Year of Prayer 2023-2024
Pope Francis has called this year as the Year of Pope as we prepare to celebrate the Jubilee Year in 2025.
Our Intent at St. Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary is to share in Pope Francis’ vision to establish prayer as a daily relationship with God and to encourage us to deepen our own prayer life and love of God and to help other people to pray during the Year of Prayer.
We believe that Prayer brings us closer to God and to one another. We pray for ourselves and the needs of others around the world. We pray daily in class and as a community. These are the prayers that are prayed with the children each day. Please take time at home to pray them together.
Here is an overview of our prayer experiences at Saint Cuthbert's
Pope Francis has asked us to particularly focus our prayers using the prayer that Jesus taught us. The Lord's Prayer.
To celebrate the prayer Jesus gave us, each clas has created a piece of artwork focusing on one particular part of the prayer. We then presented these to Corpus Christi Church so that the parish can use our creations to enhance their prayer life.