The School Day

The school gates will open at 8:45am,  and remain open until 8:55am. At then end of the day, the gates open at 3:15pm and remain open until 3:25pm, this was initially introduced for social distance purposes but we have found it cuts down on traffic congestion and helps limit lateness.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club starts at 7.45am. The cost of Breakfast club is £2 a day. This helps to cover the cost of staff for the club. Children have the option to purchase breakfast items from the kitchen. Prices are below. 

Key Times in the Day

8.45am School Starts
10.30am Morning Break
12pm - EYFS and KS1 Lunchtime
12.15pm - KS2
3.15pm School Ends

After School Clubs

Throughout the year different year groups have the opportunity to participate in after school clubs. Please ensure that consent is granted promptly to ensure that your child is guaranteed a space in the club. Information about clubs can be found in the newsletter.