Inspection Reports

Ofsted Inspection

Saint Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School had our last Ofsted inspection in November 2022, when we were were judged to be a good school once again.


Comments in the Inspection Report included:

  • Pupils live and breathe the school’s values. In lessons and around school, pupils show care and respect for themselves, their classmates and staff.
  • Leaders think carefully about what they want pupils to learn. They strive to ensure that pupils understand what it is like to live in a global society.
  • Pupils benefit from learning in a school where staff promote values of respect, tolerance and compassion.
  • Pupils willingly share their ideas, knowing that others will listen to what they have to say. 

Ofsted Inspection: November 2022


Catholic Schools Inspection

Saint Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School had our last RE inspection in March 2019, when we were judged to be an outstanding school once again. 


Comments in the Inspection Report included:

  • St Cuthbert's is a happy, welcoming and inclusive school. Its excellent Catholic ethos is reflected in the positive attitudes of pupils, the high level of support and care given by all the staff and the clear sense of purpose and spiritual direction of its leadership.
  • Pupils show a deep respect for themselves and others as made in the image and likeness of God.
  • The school creates opportunities for the school and parish to celebrate their faith together. Young parents, parishioners and governors willingly participate in the Eucharist.
  • St Cuthbert’s is referred to by staff, governors and pupils as an oasis of peace in the midst of the city. The senior leadership team work very hard to ensure that staff are content and confident in their teaching role.
  • Pupils participate enthusiastically in Collective Worship displaying reverence and respect.
  • A major strength of Catholic Life is the shared vision of all the staff, brought about by their enthusiasm and mutual support. They are a cheerful, dedicated and highly effective team. 

Section 48 Inspection - March 2019